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Marketers like to ask clients “what’s your value proposition?” But what does that really mean to you, the small business owner? Your value proposition is a clear statement of the tangible results a customer gets from your products or services. Once you have identified your clear, compelling value, you can then optimize your website and social media properties to clearly project that value to your visitors and help you convert more visitors to customers.
But First You Need to Know Your Real Value
If you have trouble explaining to people what you do and why should I buy from you, it’s time to identify the one thing that really makes you different from your competitors (hint it’s not price!). You must be crystal clear about why you are uniquely different and communicate it with confidence. There is no magic formula for creating a value proposition, but there are some key ingredients that help you refine it.
Simply, a value proposition creates interest because it speaks to the needs of your prospects and differentiates you from your competition.
Where do I start?
Understand your ideal client needs and how their needs align with your services. Knowing your target audience intimately will help you define and communicate your solution to their problem with ultimate clarity.
- Do you know what challenges or stress them out that you can help them resolve?
- What is the biggest struggle or obstacle they encounter on a daily basis?
- What is their biggest money or time leak?
- What is the one goal that seems unattainable to them?
- What is the biggest improvement they could make in their lives or business that you can help with?
- Is there something that they would do ANYTHING and pay (relatively) ANYTHING to solve, eliminate, or achieve?
Describe how your products or services achieve results such as increased revenue, decreased costs, improved productivity, enhanced customer satisfaction, streamlined processes and procedures, or improve customer retention.
What are those differences?
Understanding what makes you different is something that evolves as your business evolves. When you know your strengths, new opportunities can surface that align with those strengths.
Identify what your clients have said about working with you that made you stand out in their minds. Most likely what made you memorable was something that to you that was really simple. And because it is simple to us, we don’t place any value on it. We are taught to believe that things of value have to be hard to do. But normally what is easy for you is hard for others. You need to become consciously aware of this value you provide and use it to your benefit.
- Are you a master at simplifying processes for your clients?
- Do you bring a new perspective to a challenge that helps your clients determine a solution they never would have thought of without you?
- Are you able to do something faster than anyone else could?
- Do you create systems that help your clients learn how to do things more effectively?
Your differentiation should be things that make you different in your field, packaged in a way that others cannot copy. Record these unique differences and keep working on them until you have one that sets you apart from others and aligns with the needs of your ideal client.
What’s your value proposition?
Delivering value requires real understanding of what your customer wants to accomplish, the challenges they face, and what is important to them. I’ve listened to many small business owners talk about lack of control of their online marketing and how they are unable to gain online visibility because the tools are out of their control (website, social media, email marketing, etc.)
My value proposition is: I help small business owners dramatically increase their online visibility and attract more clients by taking control of their marketing.
What’s yours?
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